Discover Bubendorff's commitment

Bubendorff is an independent company that places environmental protection, innovation and, above all, a long-term perspective at the centre of its activities.

About Bubendorff, a real manufacturer

Bubendorff is the only brand that manufactures its own roller shutters and drives (solar and electric drives) from A to Z.

Thanks to this extensive manufacturing expertise, Bubendorff is the only manufacturer to offer roller shutters and roller shutters with translucent fabric that have been tested with 30,000 ups and downs.

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In detail : Environmental measures by Bubendorff

Bubendorff is deeply convinced that companies have a duty to drastically reduce their carbon footprint and demonstrates his commitment through strong measures that go beyond mere communication.

In figures : Bubendorff’s environmental performance

From 2021 to 2024, Bubendorff’s measures and investments will make it possible to reduce the operational CO2 footprint by -75% and primary energy consumption by -40% and to use 100% renewable energy for operations.

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Bubendorff, a roller shutter with a unique CO2 balance

Through its use, the Bubendorff solar roller shutter saves more CO2 during its entire life cycle than it emits.

This unique performance is documented by the PEP-Ecopassport® certificates and confirmed by an independent testing centre.

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Bubendorff, the roller shutter that meets the needs of today

From development to production, Bubendorff roller shutters and drives are constantly being improved to offer you a high level of durability, technology and environmental friendliness that perfectly meets current and future needs.

Carefree package : up to 10 years

Choose one of the carefree packages: 5 years, 7 years or 10 years of service when you buy your solar roller shutter.

Further benefits: increased colour corrosion protection at sea, special offers for home control solutions.

Ask your specialist dealer about the carefree package when you buy your roller shutter.


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